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April 27, 2022 3 min read


Moms are special, period. But it is nice to have that one special day to remind her of how amazing she is. For the past 8 years, my mom and I have been living on different continents, so I feel very lucky that this year, I’ll be able to plan something fun we can do together in person! I’ve rounded up some fun ideas to make this day interesting for everyone involved. If you can’t see your mom this Mother’s Day, no worries! I also included some fun zoom activities that don’t involve just sitting in front of a screen.

At home 4-course meal

Avoid crowded restaurants and give her the luxury experience of a 4-course meal at home, including drinks and dessert! The whole family can get involved in the serving and the cooking while she just sits back and relaxes. With websites like Blue Apron and Marley Spoon, you can find recipes and order all the ingredients already chopped and in the right portions. It will be a night she won’t forget!

Rent her favorite car for a day

After years of coming up with new things to do on Mother’s Day, the pool of ideas is probably getting smaller and smaller. So how about something totally out of the box like renting her dream luxury car for a day? Depending on where you live there are plenty of rental companies that offer a fleet of options from luxury to quirky vintage models. Find out which one is her all-time favorite and give her the keys!

Get Active

Some of us have an adrenaline junkie at home (myself included), it would be impossible to get her to sit down and stay still for an at-home activity. So instead of slowing down, try to catch up for a day! Take her camping or to a hiking trail she’s been dying to try. Some moms have a dream of going skydiving or bungee jumping, so today is the day!

Indulge in a wine tasting - Zoom activity

Not everyone will have the opportunity of being with their moms in person this year. Pandemic or not, even if you aren’t together, it is important to come up with something that will still make her feel important. If you can’t make it to the winery, another option is to order a wine tasting kit that comes with the wine bottles and glasses as well as charcuterie boards and desserts. To elevate the moment you can schedule the virtual experience with her favorite vineyard with a professional that will create a more dynamic and educational experience.

Leave her a surprise

This idea can go so many ways! Drive by while she is out of the house and decorate her door with pictures, flowers, drawings, and crafting projects to make her feel special. You can also order her food and gifts to be delivered to her house, so even if you cannot be there she will still know how important she is to you. Moms are used to thinking and taking care of everyone else so this day is the best opportunity to turn it around and make it all about her. These are some ideas we think would make her day extra special but remember the most important thing is that you spend time with her!

Do you have any fun plans for Mother’s Day?

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